Welcome to The Endo Vida

As a proud Latina endo warrior, I founded this website to create a supportive and culturally inclusive space where endometriosis warriors can come together to share our experiences.

When I was first diagnosed I quickly found myself navigating a complex health condition without a map, .Facing the ups and downs, and often feeling lost and alone, I realized the need for a space that wasn’t just about medical diagnosis descriptions and statistics but about living—really living—with endo. Here, I pour out everything I’ve discovered along my 20 + years of living with endometriosis.

So, whether you're looking for advice, support, or just a place to feel understood, you've found it. Bienvenidas a la Endo Vida – let's navigate this journey together, con amor y fuerza.

Greeting cards that get it

Through my journey I was inspired to create a line of greeting cards that spoke to the endometriosis and adenomyosis warriors journey. These aren’t your average cards; they’re crafted from the heart, with words that resonate deeply with our experiences as endo warriors. Whether it’s to comfort a friend who’s feeling lost after another tough doctor’s visit or to celebrate the small victories like making it through the day without pain, these cards are for us, about us.

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Jewelry with Heart

Alongside the cards, I felt compelled to create something that you can carry with you every day—a line of jewelry accompanied by heartfelt notes that speak directly to our journey. Each piece is more than an accessory; it’s a companion through surgeries, treatments, and those days when getting out of bed feels like climbing a mountain. This jewelry is a token of strength and a reminder that even on our toughest days, we carry an incredible resilience within us.

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Shop Endo Inspired cards

Supportive Messages for Every Phase of Endo Life